Join our Bible Reading Plan

Join our Bible Reading Plan

Bible App Tutorial

Solo Bible study is important. We should read and apply the scriptures personally, but don’t forget that many of the New Testament letters were addressed to entire congregations. The early church gathered and listened with united hearts to the Word of God as it was read. Our modern-day, individualistic mindset presumes that we practice spiritual disciplines like prayer and Bible reading alone, but the early church instinctively practiced it together. 

If you're new to the App, be sure to watch the brief tutorial video above.

Please note: It is recommended that you use the Bible App on a mobile device. You can try it on a laptop/desktop, but depending on your operating system, it may not work. If you do not already have the Bible App, clicking the link below using your mobile device will allow you to download the free app from the App Store or from the Google Play store. Once the Bible app is installed, you will need to exit the app and click on the link again. That will allow you to accept the invite for the reading plan. If you already have the app installed, clicking the link below from your mobile device once should do it! -Pastor Tom

Click the link below, and let’s start reading scripture the way it was meant to be read. Together.